Search results for: Linus Soderstrom

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Jakub Skarek

By |2023-07-05T06:23:15-04:00June 7th, 2022|

A highly skilled classic butterfly netminder with size. Top-end hand-discipline coupled with great vision and edgework gives hope for real potential fantasy impact. Although an elite toolset is there, consistency is lacking.

Linus Söderström

By |2020-10-08T08:26:11-04:00October 6th, 2020|

Soderstrom plays with a remarkable amount of poise and concentration. He never overplays a shot. His economy of movement in the crease – both in terms of his stance and his shuffle – is very advanced for any age or experience level. His technique is tight and well anchored. He needs to ensure that he uses his size to his advantage at the next level and, like many Swedes, he has a habit of being about six to 12 inches deeper in the crease than one might expect.

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